Saturday, November 2, 2013

Windows 8.1 Now Available! Microsoft Windows 8 Operating System Forum At WebmasterWorld

How To Customize Your Windows 8 Desktop

If so, then you know that the Windows 8 boot menu appears onthe screen for 30 seconds before it launches the default operating system. Chancesare that there have been times when you wanted to be able to change thatdefault amount of time. Fortunately, there is an option right on the boot menuitself that will allow you to change the amount of time that the menu displaysfrom the default of 30 seconds down to 5 seconds or even up to 5 minutes. Butwhat if you really want to reduce the amount of time to 15 seconds? What about 0seconds?

Windows Explorer , which has been renamed File Explorer, now includes a ribbon in place of the command bar. File operation dialog boxes have been updated to provide more detailed statistics, the ability to pause file transfers, and improvements in the ability to manage conflicts when copying files. 59 A new "File History" function allows incremental revisions of files to be backed up to and restored from a secondary storage device, 60 while Storage Spaces allows users to combine different sized hard disks into virtual drives and specify mirroring, parity, or no redundancy on a folder-by-folder basis. 61

However, Windows 8.1 only allows you to open one window for every 590 pixels of horizontal screen real estate. That means you need a full HD screen to open three windows and at least a 2560 x 1440 display to get four windows. In some cases, you may have enough pixels but the OS still limits your number of windows by default, because of your screen size. For example, the 1920 x 1080 Surface Pro tablet only allows two windows, unless you change an option in the Ease of Access section of the PC settings. We wish there was more flexibility, but overall split-screen mode is a great feature.

If you genuinely just want to know more about a person, place, or thing, this pretty little Bing spread is useful. But there are only so many times you need to know the population of New York. More likely you just hammered a query into the search without half a thought, looking for the path of least resistance to a Wikipedia page. And in that case, Bing's little "look what I can do!" spread is all but useless, despite being both pretty and ostensible a good search result, even though none of that's what you were actually looking for. Fortunately it's not hard to ignore.

Developers can make better use of Microsoft's TellMe service, which is accessible by long-pressing the Start button. While the service was already capable of opening apps with the power of your voice, it now supports the ability to dive in even further and do specific commands within those apps as well. For instance, we were able to start listening to music on Hey DJ by saying "Hey DJ, play Call Me Maybe." (If that's what you're into, of course.) Again, this is an API feature that will ultimately depend on whether or not devs integrate it into their app.

Microsoft's priorities when developing its new "flagship operating system" (their term) are immediately evident by the loving care that they lavished on their new Configurable Remote Applications, affectionately called CRApps by experienced Windows 8 users. The "Remote" appellation refers to the playful habit CRApps have of starting up on their own without having been clicked. Try to pull a chart from your documents folder and instead, a CRApp starts a slide show of your niece's graduation. Try to activate your Windows 8 Pro Pack and a CRApp pops up displaying the weather in Ulan Bator.

But if you search for a city, or a band, or any other number of things Bing has the ability to recognize as things (e.g. New York City, Pavement, or Street Sharks), you get a different sort of result. Windows 8.1 will serve up a dashboard showing you the current weather and a list of attractions in said city. A list of popular songs from said band, linked right into Xbox Music. A list of YouTube clips of said show that was totally not a rip-off of some other cartoon about turtles. And if that info isn't relevant for whatever reason, traditional results are a just one swipe away.

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