Saturday, November 2, 2013

IObit Start Menu 8 For Windows 8 Free Download, Bring Windows 8 Start Menu Back

How To Reduce The Size Of Your WinSXS Folder On Windows 7 Or 8

There's one aspect of the Games Hub that has us completely puzzled. The spotlight panel features a large list of gaming options that Microsoft wants to promote, but tapping on the links take us into a link on IE10. From there you can click on another link that will take you into the Windows Phone Store, but we have a hard time understanding why we need to be routed into the browser. We'd rather be taken either directly into the Store or at least a page within the Hub that loads faster and shows your options in an efficient manner. Take the middleman out of it. Windows Phone Store

Beginning June 2, 2012, Microsoft will roll out the Windows Upgrade Offer in 131 markets, including the U.S. and Canada. Consumers who buy eligible Windows 7-based PCs through Jan. 31, 2013, can purchase an upgrade to Windows 8 Pro for an estimated retail price of $14.99 (U.S.) during the time of the promotion. More information about the Windows Upgrade Offer will be available June 1. In addition to the Windows Upgrade Offer designed for consumers buying new Windows 7-based PCs, Microsoft will also announce other offers in the coming months that will help consumers with existing Windows 7-based PCs upgrade to Windows 8 when it is generally available.

In March 2013, Microsoft also amended its certification requirements to allow tablets to use the 1024x768 resolution as a minimum; this change is expected to allow the production of certified Windows 8 tablets in smaller form factors—a market which is currently dominated by Android-based tablets. 120 Despite the reaction of industry experts, Microsoft reported that they had sold 100 million licenses in the first six months. This matched sales of Windows 7 over a similar period. 159 Many of these "sales" were shipments to channel warehouses which now need to be sold in order to make way for new shipments. 160 Windows 8.1 edit

But if you search for a city, or a band, or any other number of things Bing has the ability to recognize as things (e.g. New York City, Pavement, or Street Sharks), you get a different sort of result. Windows 8.1 will serve up a dashboard showing you the current weather and a list of attractions in said city. A list of popular songs from said band, linked right into Xbox Music. A list of YouTube clips of said show that was totally not a rip-off of some other cartoon about turtles. And if that info isn't relevant for whatever reason, traditional results are a just one swipe away.

Undoubtedly the best new feature in Windows 8.1 split-screen mode allows you to carve up the modern UI into two to four windows, each with its own app or, in some cases, multiple instances of the same app. Unlike in desktop mode, these windows do not float, but instead remain snapped to one side of the screen or to the middle with a border you can slide left or right to give them more or less real estate. We particularly enjoyed being able to place two or more browser windows side-by-side or put the mail client right next to the browser.

Microsoft's priorities when developing its new "flagship operating system" (their term) are immediately evident by the loving care that they lavished on their new Configurable Remote Applications, affectionately called CRApps by experienced Windows 8 users. The "Remote" appellation refers to the playful habit CRApps have of starting up on their own without having been clicked. Try to pull a chart from your documents folder and instead, a CRApp starts a slide show of your niece's graduation. Try to activate your Windows 8 Pro Pack and a CRApp pops up displaying the weather in Ulan Bator.

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